Hunting has begun. Venum Tiger is a full range of martial arts and sportswear, inspired by the strength, dexterity and courage of this most formidable predator.Mademade from high-quality leather PU and high-density foam, Venum Tiger MMA gloves provide excellent protection and durability. A wide double closure system provides easy access and perfect landing, providing comfort and support both during training and in combat in a cage.Ever is a fingerprint and a thumb is reinforced, absorbing every ounce of impact when in a collision. These are the perfect gloves for MMA for wildlife athletes.Combize them with sportswear from the same collection.
Specifications and maintenance
Solive thread used for sewing
Puff foam for better protection and beat absorption
Designed for comfort
Adjustable belt for fixing wrists
Exclusive system of belts on edging for prepositioning of hands.